But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
This is Why
Included is a picture of a family that we bought powdered infant milk for on two occasions. This picture is a constant reminder that Goats For Jesus, as directed by God, is to get dairy goats (and a herd started) into Northern Nicaragua and Southern Honduras very soon and that we cannot fail in this endeavor.
During the 2016 Agriculture Training, the young father pictured herein, was selected by his Village Pastor to attend the Ag training. As part of the training, we visited each land plot to verify the needs for the loan/grant program and to also provide suggestions for the farmers on how to increase their crop yield. During the interview, at this young man’s land plot (of just 10 acres), he confessed that his new child was malnourished because the mother was unable to provide enough breast milk for the baby.
Pastor Diomedes’ daughter is a Nurse’s Assistant at the Christian Medical Clinic so we asked her if powdered milk was available. After a considerable search, she was able to find powered milk, and we purchased the milk for the family. At the end of the training, we recall seeing him on the back of the Village Pastor’s old motorcycle with both hands full of bags containing the powdered milk – a scene we will never forget.

Then, during another mission trip to Nicaragua in January 2017, we revisited this young family and they presented a good-looking “healthy” baby boy. We wept. Further, he mentioned his wife was pregnant with another child. So, in the summer of 2018, we purchased more powered milk for the second child. The picture shows the new baby and first baby, along with more powdered milk.
We sincerely hope you can understand the importance of the dairy goat project.
Goats For Jesus gladly welcomes your participation, partnership and financial support.