A Proverbs 27:27 Ministry
Help us bring dairy goats to the poor
Welcome to Goats for Jesus
The journey for the Goats For Jesus Ministry began in June 2014 during a mission trip to Northern Nicaragua where our mission team discovered there was no milk for the children in this area. Many children in this area remain malnourished, as well as other parts of the world, due to the lack of milk. Our goal is to place high-quality dairy goats into severely impoverished areas around the world beginning with Central America.
We sincerely hope you will consider becoming a partner with us in this ministry either through your tax deductible contributions or by getting directly involved in our ministry. Please feel free to email us at any time. Thank you for your interest, your prayers and may God richly bless you.
In His Service,
Terry Kinzie
Founder & President
Goats For Jesus, Inc.

Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me. Matthew 18:2-5
Why This Works
Goats For Jesus hired Langston University (Langston, Oklahoma) in 2015 to perform a professional feasibility study to find out if a goat dairy operation would work in Central America. Their research concluded that a goat dairy is “the best way” to provide the needed milk for the children in such a hot and humid tropical setting. Goats will also provide meat, cheese, butter, soap and other beneficial products. Not only will the goats attain the initial project goals, but they will also provide additional income for the farmers and nutrition for the families.
Proper Training and Support
It is important to note that we can’t just simply “give the goats” to the people. Proper training, record keeping and providing/growing the proper food for the goats is essential to the success of the project. Such training will also be included in the overall project requirements at each location.