But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14
Get Involved
Goat Related
Since we have a family who has donated a small herd of weaned Nubian kids, we plan to ship goats to Honduras by air in 2025. However, we need more of the major breeds. If you can donate high quality Registered Dairy Goats, please contact us.
Goats barns, fences and other structures need to be built before the dairy goats are imported. Annual and semi-annual trips will be needed by experienced goat enthusiasts to perform periodic health checks on the animals. After the herd begins milking, we will need to purchase refrigerators, milk and cheese processing equipment and perform associated training.

Pastor Diomedes currently assists over 70 Pastors at small village churches. Spanish Bibles are needed, churches are needed, and motorcycles for Pastors are also needed. Pastor training facilities and mission houses are available to those wishing to serve. The possibilities are endless.
Medical Missions
Medical missions are desperately needed and are a great way to spread the gospel. We can help you plan your trip to perform this needed gospel outreach. Missionary facilities with kitchens, beds, running water, indoor toilets, etc. are available for use.
Farmer Training
Local farmer training and assistance is also needed. We can provide guidance and direction in this area as well if you would like to get involved in this area of need.